Facebook News Feed Changes: What You Need to Know


Facebook has announced that it will be making some significant changes to its news feed that will affect how you market your business. Wondering how they will change your social media strategy?

In this blog, you will learn what to expect and how to maintain interaction with your brand on Facebook.

What Exactly Is Changing.

Here is a quick overview of what is going to be changing.

  1. Content from businesses and publishers will decrease.
  2. Traffic, Referrals, and Video from Pages will decrease.
  3. Ranking for posts will change to give priority to those that spark conversation and meaningful interactions.

    More Information On Facebook News Feed Changes »

What You Can Do.

Here are four tips you can use on Facebook to improve your odds of being seen.

  1. Do not post as frequently.
  2. Create content that sparks interaction from your followers, allow fans to communicate with each other in the comments.
  3. Go Live! Why? Live Video increases interaction by 6x according to Facebook.
  4. Do NOT ask for comments on your posts. Baiting engagement will demote your posts in the Facebook News Feed.

These changes will affect how we all market our businesses on Facebook, but hopefully, these tips will help get you thinking about what you can do to begin making changes to your social media strategy.

Keep Creating!